
  • A. O. Lepkanych Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • I. S. Myronyuk Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



student youth, fast food, food model, distance learning


Purpose: to determine the influence of various forms of organization of the educational process on the diet of university students, in particular, the consumption of fast food.

Materials and Methods. It is based on the method of special sociological research. The key questions of the study were aimed at determining the number of daily meals, the ammount of food consumption per day as well as the fast food consumption. Questionnaires were sent using a Google form during the strict quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-2019 pandemic. The target group of the sociological research was the student youth of Uzhhorod National University.

Results. As a result, 163 respondents’ questionnaires were received, among which the overwhelming majority of 121 (74.2 %) were female. The age category of the respondents was 18–21 years. The majority, 111 respondents (68 % of those surveyed) experienced some changes in their daily diet after switching to distance education. 41 % of respondents (67 students) noted an increase in the daily amount of food consumed, 46 % of respondents (75 respondents) did not feel any changes at all. The results indicated the formation of changes in the eating habits of the majority of respondents as a result of changes in the form of organization of the educational process. The analysis of the above mentioned questions showed that 59 people (36 %) of the respondents indicated an increase in the frequency of snacks during distance learning. The question of the frequency of consumption of fast food, snacks and fizzy drinks in the diet was studied, the results indicated a slight increase in the frequency of consumption of fast-food during distance learning – 18 people (11 % of respondents), however, there was also an increase in the consumption of fast food during full time learning which was admitted by 54 people (33.1 % of the respondents). In general, the level of eating fast food during distance learning among all students who took part in the survey decreased.

Conclusions. Part of the surveyed respondents, which is 68 %, noted some changes in their diet. An increase in frequent snacks (36 % of respondents) during distance learning was noted as well, which is the reason for an increase in the number of meals and their ammount. Periods of distance learning in conditions of a high level of digital load can lead to the formation of sustainable changes in the eating habits of young people, which in the future may negatively affect their health.

Author Biographies

A. O. Lepkanych, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

postgraduate student of the Department of Health Sciences, Uzhhorod National University

I. S. Myronyuk, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), professor of the Department of Health Sciences, Uzhhorod National University


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How to Cite

Lepkanych, A. O., & Myronyuk, I. S. (2023). CHANGES IN THE EATING HABITS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS DEPENDING ON THE FORMS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS ORGANIZATION. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 4–7.



Health and society