psychiatric service, multidisciplinary hospital, inpatient care, health careAbstract
Purpose: analysis of the first results of work of the newly created specialized treatment and consultation psychiatric department as part of a multidisciplinary hospital in Lviv.
Materials and Methods. The study includes research and analysis of modern relevant references regarding the provision of inpatient psychiatric care in general hospitals in the world, which was performed with the help of bibliosemantic method. The work of the psychiatric department was evaluated according to the data presented by the St. Panteleimon Hospital of the non-commercial institution “The First Territorial Medical Association of Lviv” for September 2021 - June 2022 using the structural-logical method.
Results. The existing advantages of providing inpatient psychiatric care to the population in the psychiatric department in the structure of the II grade multidisciplinary hospital are exemplified by the psychiatric department of the Lviv multidisciplinary hospital. It was established that a significant part of the contingent of this department is made up of patients transferred according to established consultative indications “in situ” from other departments of the hospital. Such patients show signs of not only organic mental disorders, but also additional pathoplastic mental disorders associated with the course and treatment of severe somatic diseases.
Conclusion. The integration of the mental health care service into the general health care system can significantly contribute to reducing stigmatization, optimizing the provision of requirements and expanding the functional capabilities of psychiatrists, as well as increasing the probability of early detection of mental disorders in patients with psychosomatic symptoms who are referred to a general clinical network with other issues.
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