
  • I. S. Myronyuk Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • H. O. Slabkyi Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • V. V. Brych Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • O. V. Savchuk Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine




masters of physical therapy, preparation, educational programs, health care organization, public health


Purpose: to analyze and assess the state of teaching the basics of public health and health care organization to masters of specialty 227.1 “Physical Therapy” and substantiate the relevance of studying these issues in training programs for future physical therapists.

Materials and Methods. The object of research is the system of training physical therapists at the graduate level of education in the institutions of higher education in Ukraine. The materials of the research were separate legislative acts of Ukraine, normative-directive documents of the central executive bodies, educational programs and curricula of a number of higher education institutions placed in free access. Methods of structural-logical analysis, content analysis and system approach were used in the research.

Results. There is no sole approach to the inclusion of health care issues in Ukraine and public health in the analyzed programs of higher education institutions in the country. Among the analyzed educational programs, educational components(EC) that cover the organization of the health care system or public health are absent in 50 % of all analyzed cases. In two programs (25 %) there are separate public health education components in the block of compulsory ECs, in the other two the corresponding ECs are presented in the blocks of sample ECs. Based on the analysis of a number of legal acts in Ukraine, it is argued that the inclusion in educational programs for future physical therapists certain educational components is needed, which includes also teaching the basics of public health and health care to masters 227.1 “Physical Therapy”.

Conclusion. The need for physical therapists to have competencies on the functioning of the health care system and public health in Ukraine  is justified, which icludes to develop recommendations for a unified approach to this issue in all educational programs implemented in higher education institutions of the country as well.

Author Biographies

I. S. Myronyuk, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), professor, dean of the Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Uzhhorod National University

H. O. Slabkyi, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Health Sciences, Uzhhorod National University

V. V. Brych, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health and Physical Education, Uzhhorod National University

O. V. Savchuk, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Kyiv, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Stomatology Department, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management


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How to Cite

Myronyuk, I. S., Slabkyi, H. O., Brych, V. V., & Savchuk, O. V. (2022). ON THE STATE AND RELEVANCE OF TEACHING THE BASICS OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ORGANIZATION OF HEALTH CARE TO MASTERS OF SPECIALTY 227.1 “PHYSICAL THERAPY”. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 50–54. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2022.1.13081



Medical personnel training