
  • S. V. Kravchenko O. M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



public health, public administration, governmental authority, scientific support, information and analytical support


Purpose: to analyze the essence and determine the features of the public health category, to reveal the role of information and analytical support in the activities of public authorities of Ukraine that shape state policy in the field of public health.

Materials and Methods. used in the performance of work: biblio-semantic, structural-logical analysis, systems approach and analysis, content analysis.

Results. The article reveals the concept and essence of public health, the content and methods of information and analytical support of public authorities of Ukraine that shape state policy in the field of public health, and the author’s position on defining relevant concepts and their features is expressed. Institutional resources and sources for defining the concept and essence of public health are analyzed; the analysis of the system of pro­viding information and analytical support for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of public health was performed.

Conclusions. Public health can be defined as a continuous and systematic process of disease prevention and control, health promotion and well-being of the population through the use of a wide range of analytical, organi­zational and practical measures. This process requires effective systematic information and analytical support of public authorities that shape public policy in the field of public health, which would ensure the collection, analysis and interpretation of information for further use by relevant public authorities in determining the cause-and-effect relationships between diseases and their consequences, and, further, in the planning, implementation and evaluation of practical measures in the field of health care.

Author Biography

S. V. Kravchenko, O. M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Master of Public Administration and Administration, Postgraduate Student of the Laboratory of Security Strategies in Health Care, SI “O. M. Marzieiev Institute for Public Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, S. V. (2022). PUBLIC HEALTH: CONCEPT AND ESSENCE, THE ROLE OF INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 70–74.



Health care management