
  • N. O. Lyakhova Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine



risk factors, awareness, pediatric dentists, orthodontists, orthodontic pathology, children


Purpose: to investigate the level of awareness of pediatric dentists and orthodontists in Poltava about the risk factors for orthodontic pathology in children.

Materials and methods. A survey of 39 pediatric dentists and orthodontists who provide dental care to children in Poltava and Poltava region. The questionnaire asked questions about the strength of the impact of risk factors for orthodontic pathology in children and about the organization of orthodontic care for children. Methods: bibliosemantic, sociological (questionnaire), statistical.

Results. Studying the results of the questionnaire, determined the quality of doctors. The grouping of risk factors into behavioral, informational, medical-demographic, organizational, socio-economic, environmental factors and calculation of the percentage distribution of respondents’ responses regarding the influence of risk factors, medical examination and parental awareness. In the distribution of responses of physicians-respondents by experience, significant differences were found in the answers to the question of whether the work on prevention, medical examinations, medical examinations, hygienic education is important (HS 4,6 [CI 2.43–5.12], p = 0.016) and maternal nutrition during pregnancy (HS 5.5 [CI 2.17–5.86], p = 0.038). That is, more experienced doctors with more than 10 years of experience attach more importance to the alimentary factor of orthodontic pathology, better understand and appreciate the importance of preventive and dispensary work to reduce dental morbidity.

Conclusion. A fairly high level of awareness of physicians about the risk factors of orthodontic pathology, the correct understanding of doctors of the place and importance of screening and medical examination of children at risk of orthodontic pathology. However, some issues need additional attention during higher education.

Author Biography

N. O. Lyakhova, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the institution of higher education of the department of social medicine, public health, organization and economics of health care with medical and labor expertise of the Poltava State Medical University


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How to Cite

Lyakhova, N. O. (2022). RESEARCH OF AWARENESS OF CHILDREN’S DENTISTS AND ORTHODONTISTS ABOUT RISK FACTORS OF ORTHODONTIC PATHOLOGY IN CHILDREN. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 17–21.



Health and society