
  • O. V. Lototska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • L. P. Naisyk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • H. A. Krytska I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • O. M. Sopel I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • N. V. Flekey I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine



healthy lifestyle, health, students


Purpose: to analyze the features of the lifestyle of medical students, their attitude to a healthy lifestyle (HLS) and the factors that affect it.

Materials and Methods. An anonymous survey was conducted with the help of a questionnaire developed by us of 250 TNMU students aged 18–25. Bibliosemantic, sociological, analytical, calculation, statistical methods are used.

Results. Studies have shown that, despite the students’ high awareness of the main components of HLS, not all of them are aware of the risks and motivated to act in accordance with the available knowledge to maintain their health. 84.8 % of respondents want to conduct HLS, although most of them neglect sufficient physical activity, rules of nutrition and proper daily routine. Only 34 % of students eat rationally, 12.8 % of students regularly go to the gym, and one in four (or 24 %) do not enjoy sports at all. 72.4 % of students ignore or do not understand the importance of a proper daily routine to restore their ability to work and their health. 25.6 % of students have 8 hours of sleep, 54 % sleep less than normal – 6–7 hours, and one in five (19.6 %) have only 5 hours of sleep. In addition, 40 % of medical students have bad habits. Lack of time and employment in the learning process hinder 78.4 % of students, 21.6 % – homework (this indicates a stereotypical view of the need for additional time spent on HLS), 16.8 % – reluctance to do so (indicates lack of motivation for HLS). Students can be motivated by their own beliefs, advice from relatives and friends, motivational videos and books, as well as social advertising and the opinion of others.

Conclusion. The formation of HLS values ​​in future doctors will allow the future specialist to maintain physical, mental and spiritual health into old age.

Author Biographies

O. V. Lototska, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

L. P. Naisyk, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

undergraduate, specialty “Public Health”, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

H. A. Krytska, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

N. V. Flekey, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University


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How to Cite

Lototska, O. V., Naisyk, L. P., Krytska, H. A., Sopel, O. M., & Flekey, N. V. (2022). ATTITUDE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 11–16.



Health and society