
  • T. S. Gruzeva O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine



socio-hygienic scientific school, department of social hygiene and health care organization, complex scientific research, training, repressions, Kyiv Medical Institute


Purpose: to investigate the processes of development of the Kyiv social and hygienic scientific school as an independent scientific direction during 1920–1990.

Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of research work is comprises analysis of scientific publications and archieve data using the historical and bibliographic methods.

Results. In the XX century there was a progressive development of the Kyiv Scientific Social and Hygienic School, in which periods of active development were replaced by periods of stagnation of medical and social science, repression against its representatives. The foundations of social and hygienic science developed by Professor O. V. Korchak-Chepurkivsky have become a solid foundation for the separation of this area into an independent branch of medical science and education, establishment of the Department of Social Hygiene at the Kyiv Medical Institute and teaching a separate subject in higher medical education. The school’s research activities covered a wide range of medical and social health problems in relation to various factors, the needs for various types of medical care, the organization of its provision, training of health care personnel, health management, etc. Alumni of the school are outstanding social hygienists, including academician Y. V. Voronenko, professors O. A. Grando, B. P. Kryshtopa, O. P. Mintser and other.

Conclusions. The development of the Kyiv social and hygienic scientific school in 1920–1990 laid the foundations for its future flourishing in the XXI century.

Author Biography

T. S. Gruzeva, O. O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

DM (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health of O. Bohomolets National Medical University


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How to Cite

Gruzeva, T. S. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF KYIV SOCIAL AND HYGIENIC SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL IN THE XX CENTURY (1920–1990) . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 64–70.



History of medecine