
  • O. N. Lytvynova I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • L. P. Zaporozhan I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • K. Ye. Yuriyiv I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • M. S. Fesh Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, Ukraine



self-government, health care system, medical care


Purpose: to analyze the principles of self-government in the health care system for the possibilities of its implementation in Ukraine.

Materials and Methods. Using the methods of system analysis, the state of functioning of self-governing professional organizations in health care and the possibility of its introduction in Ukraine are shown.

Results. The reasons for the necessary to introduce medical self-government in a number of European countries are shown. The positive and problematic aspects of medical self-government, ways of its introduction in Ukraine are considered.

In most developed countries, self-governing organizations operate in the health care system and their governing organisations say that they are the guarantor of high quality health care. Exercise this right and have the ability to actually regulate a significant part of public affairs and manage it, acting within the law, under their own responsibility and in the interests of the local population.

In the medical practice of many countries there is a dilemma: on the one hand there are clinical protocols, which the doctor in most cases must follow, and on the other there is medical self-government, which allows freedom of action.

In Ukraine, the introduction of the principles of self-government in medicine consisted in the creation of public organizations such as the Medical Society, the Association of Physicians, and so on. But their weakness was that they had only an advisory vote.

Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the activities of medical self-government and the realities of the Ukrainian medical community, we can conclude that there is the necessity for the introduction of professional medical self-government in Ukraine.

The implementation of medical self-government in Ukraine requires an adequate regulatory framework, harmonization of self-government regulations with the existing regulatory framework.

Author Biographies

O. N. Lytvynova, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor Public Health and Health care Management Department, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

L. P. Zaporozhan, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Geographical sciences), Associate Professor Public Health and Health care Management Department, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

K. Ye. Yuriyiv, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of Pathological Physiology, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University

M. S. Fesh, Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv, Ukraine

PhD (Economic Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Marketing of the Ukrainian Academy of Printing


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How to Cite

Lytvynova, O. N., Zaporozhan, L. P., Yuriyiv, K. Y., & Fesh, M. S. (2021). SELF-GOVERNMENT IN THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 51–54.



Health care management