
  • V. V. Chorna M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine



financing, health care, mental health, health care reform


Purpose:  to carry out a comparative analysis of the financing of health care in Ukraine and the EU countries in recent years. 

Materials and methods. Theoretical-comparative, bibliosemantic analysis of data on health care financing in Ukraine and EU countries has been using.

Results. Scientific sources of domestic and foreign research, Laws of Ukraine, Concepts of state programs, and EU resolutions are analyzed, and the main problems of incomplete medical reform have been highlighting. Several regulations have been adopted in Ukraine to implement health care reform successfully. Positive changes in health care reform Ukraine is directly dependent on health expenditures in GDP. A sizeable amount of funds has spent on health care in 2013 – 4,23 %, but in 2019 this figure was the lowest in the last years of independence – 2,4 % of GDP. Sharp fluctuations in the financing of health care hurt the creation of the new National Health Service of Ukraine, on the reform as a whole, as well as on the life expectancy of the population in Ukraine. Positive examples in the health care reform of both the Republic of Poland and other European countries are the separation of targeted funds for mental health care from the budget, which belong to local governments of health care institutions, and the much-needed law on compulsory health insurance in many countries around the world. The mental health of the population of Poland and the EU is one of the priorities and an integral part of health care reform. The resolution of the WHO, the Council of the EU, the Council of Europe since 1975 emphasizes the importance of adequate and fair investment in the mental health system, which affects the health of the world’s population. In 2019, the WHO and the World Bank analyzed the reform of health care financing for 2016–2019 to provide strategic recommendations for improving the provision of medical services.

Conclusions. According to the results of the analysis, the imperfection of financing of the CHC of Ukraine was established, which affects the quality of medical care and the need to regularly adjust/monitor the effectiveness of the new model of financing the health care system of Ukraine and the introduction of compulsory health insurance.

Author Biography

V. V. Chorna, M. Pyrohov National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), Associate Professor of Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine, M. Pyrohov National Medical University


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How to Cite

Chorna, V. V. (2021). COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF HEALTH FINANCING IN UKRAINE AND EU COUNTRIES. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 45–49.



Organization of medical care