
  • L. Y. Vlasyk Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine



patient experience, medical activity, prevention of non-communicable diseases, economically active population


Purpose: to analyze the experience of respondents in health care and identify the characteristics most associated with their activation in health matters for the prediction among the economically active population.

Materials and Methods. The stepwise cross-sectional sociological study of the patient experience was conducted among the economically active population (N = 1252) in 2017–2018. The specially designed questionnaire also included data on the prevalence of behavioural risk factors of main non-communicable diseases and self-assessment of health.

Results and Discussion. According to the results of the sociological research, the peculiarities of respondents’ experience in health care were revealed by the frequency of visiting a family doctor during the year; by the place of service; by the level of education; by the occasion of the appeal; by the presence of major non-communicable diseases and their risk factors, as well as by health. It was shown that if it is possible to choose a doctor, official appointments to the primary health care were increased to 70 %, however, the usual routes in medical care remained the same. Screening and targeted examinations were in most cases accompanied by a visit to the family doctor during the year, but only awareness of blood sugar and cholesterol tests was associated with activity in certain groups of respondents. The most associated characteristics of the respondents’ experience and health care activities were a visit to a family doctor during the year and a visit to a doctor for preventive purposes. Predictors, namely, “consumption of many fruits and vegetables other than potatoes”, “regular exercise 2–3 to 4–5 times a week” and “doctor’s visits for prophylactic purposes” were found to provide only a 15 % probability of being active. Overestimated self-esteem of respondents’ activity can be regarded as a desire to become active because activation involves psychological and emotional components.

Conclusions. For effective interaction with the patient, the family doctor should take into account the peculiarities of the experience in health care. The experience of the patient as a result of quality interaction between the doctor and the patient contributes to the formation of an active and responsible attitude to their health. The most associated characteristics can be used as a tool for predicting activation in health matter. 

Author Biography

L. Y. Vlasyk, Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Assistant of the Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organization of Bukovynian State Medical University


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How to Cite

Vlasyk, L. Y. (2020). PATIENT EXPERIENCE AND HIS ROLE IN MEDICAL ACTIVITY ON THE EXAMPLE OF ECONOMICALLY ACTIVE POPULATION. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 89–96.



Organization of medical care