newborn screening, severe combined immunodeficiency, TREC, KREC, T cell lymphopeniaAbstract
Purpose: to determine the possibilities of newborn screening for T and B cell lymphopenia in Ukraine for the diagnosis of SCID.
Materials and Methods. A search and analysis of available literature sources in the PubMed database, using a combination of keywords “early diagnosis”, “neonatal screening”, “TREC”, “KREC”, “primary immunodeficiency”, “SCID”, “T and B cell lymphopenia”.
Results. Detection of SCID and antibody defects is based on the method using molecular genetic methods of quantitative detection of T-cell receptor excision circle (TREC), which is a product of T-cell differentiation in the thymus, and determine T cell lymphopenia, and kappa-deleting recombination excision circle (KREC), which are formed during the maturation of B cells in the bone marrow and determine B cell lymphopenia.
Newborn screening using TREC/KREC assay will allow early recognition of SCID, provide timely hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), before severe infections will presented, that is very important as infections significantly worsen the prognosis of treatment. In addition, newborn screening will allow to establish the real prevalence of SCID in Ukraine, as well as detecting of other diseases with lymphopenia.
Conclusions. The analysis of literature data indicates the feasibility of conducting a pilot study on newborn screening of primary immunodeficiency by using TRECs and KRECs assay for T- and B-lymphopenia, which will allow to choose the best method, determine the cutoff value of TRECs and KRECs levels for the diagnosis of lymphopenia and SCID in Ukraine.
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