
  • M. M. Shkilnyak Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine
  • N. M. Кryvokulska Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine



healthcare institutions, medical service, quality of medical service, managing the quality of medical service, development of conceptual approaches to manage the quality of medical services of health care institutions


Purpose: to substantiate the conceptual statements that should form the basis of quality management of medical service of the health care institution.

Materials and Methods. The data of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Children’s Hospital for 2017–2019 were taken as the materials for the research. The methods of theoretical generalization, grouping; factor analysis; statistical comparison and generalization were used.

Results. The need to develop conceptual approaches to managing the quality of medical services of health care institutions was justified. The reasons that determine the need for managing the quality of health care services and its improvement are defined (for example, the affiliation of health care institutions to the public sector of the economy; the need to solve problems related to  managing the quality  of medical services in the context of limited material, financial, technical resources allocated to healthcare).

The advantages of the development of conceptual approaches to management the quality of medical services at health care institutions.

Conclusions. The developed conceptual approaches to the management of the quality of medical services in health care institutions will allow: to improve the institutional basis for the management of health care sphere; to study health care institutions as social systems in their direct relationship with other social systems of the society; to strengthen the foundations of the patient-centered model of health care in Ukraine; to intensify the use of the project approach to the management of health care institutions; to strengthen the staff potential of the health care sphere and institutions in this sphere.

Author Biographies

M. M. Shkilnyak, Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

DM (Economics), Professor, Honored Economist of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, Ternopil National Economic University

N. M. Кryvokulska, Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, Ternopil National Economic University


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How to Cite

Shkilnyak, M. M., & Кryvokulska N. M. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO MANAGING THE QUALITY OF MEDICAL SERVICES OF HEALTH CARE INSTUTIONS. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 22–30.



Reforming of health care system