
  • A-M. M. Pishkovtsi Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



family doctors, children, dental health, prevention, provision


Purpose: to investigate the activity of general practitioners – family doctors for the preservation of dental health of children.

Materials and Methods. The study used the following research methods: sociological, statistical, structural and logical analysis. Materials research was the results conducted by a specially designed questionnaire among 254 General practitioners and family doctors of sociological research, working in the Transcarpathian region.

Results. It is established that (59.8±2.5) % had not been trained in the provision of medical dental care for children. The level of personal theoretical knowledge on the preservation of children’s dental health was assessed as sufficient by (48.8±2.5) % of respondents, the level of personal practical skills was assessed as sufficient by (42.1±2.5) % of surveyed family doctors. The workplace has the tools needed for preventive dental examination of children in (32.3±2.3) % of surveyed family doctors, dental office is available in (15.3±1.8) % of institutions where respondents work, (4.3±1.0) % of schools have dental offices.

Preventive dental examinations of preschool children are performed by (51.6±2.5) % of surveyed doctors and (62.6±2.4) % are performed by preventive examinations of school-age children. (8.2±1.4) % of respondents do not refer children to a dentist if pathology is detected, and (13.2±1.7) % do not control the results of oral rehabilitation in children and (42.1±2.5)  % control them selectively.

Individual interviews with parents on issues of preserving the dental health of children conducts and (52.8±2.5) % and (47.2±2.5) % of respondents said that function of a dentist is for children. (93.7±1.2) % of surveyed family physicians have a desire to obtain comprehensive information about the health of the oral cavity in children and the proper care of teeth. Desirable sources of information are: the production of methodological recommendations of (83.9±1.9) %, and practical sessions with the dentist – (40.2±2.5) %, special trainings – (35.8±2.4) %.

Conclusions. In the course of the sociological research the insufficient level of theoretical and practical acti­vity of family doctors was established and their resource is based on the effective work of average children in need of dental health. It was also found that the level of preventive work of family doctors to maintain the dental health of children is low and often formal.

Author Biography

A-M. M. Pishkovtsi, Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine

Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Humanities, Uzhhorod National University


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How to Cite

Pishkovtsi, A.-M. M. (2020). TO THE QUESTION OF PREVENTIVE DENTAL WORK OF FAMILY DOCTORS AMONG CHILDREN (by results of sociological research). Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 10–16.



Health and society