
  • О. V. Zhdanova Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • G. O. Slabkiy Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine
  • N. J. Potokiy Uzhhorod National University, Uzhhorod, Ukraine



student’s youth, healthy lifestyle, forming, conceptual approaches


Purpose: to develop and assess the conceptual approaches to ensuring a healthy lifestyle of student’s youth.

Materials and Methods. The following research methods were applied in the course of study: bibliosemantic, structural and logical analysis, descriptive modeling, expert assessments, statistical. Systematic approach was applied as the methodological basis of the study. The results of previous research and the questionnaires of the assessment of conceptual approaches to providing healthy lifestyle of student’s youth by 25 independent experts. The assessment of independent competent experts’ answers was carried out in 10 scores system, with the subsequent medical and statistical analysis of the obtained results.

Results. The proposed conceptual approaches to ensuring a healthy lifestyle of student youth consist of the following sections: problems, causes of problems and ways to solve them.

There are eight main problems: students do not lead a healthy lifestyle, lack of state policy to ensure healthy living conditions and student education, insufficient range of health and health-forming services, insufficient development of individual and collective services that ensure a healthy lifestyle, non-systematic work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the lack of a healthy lifestyle strategy, the lack of public funding for advocacy, the formation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle of students, the underdevelopment of the system of return to a healthy lifestyle.

The main causes of these problems are identified and ways to eliminate the causes of problems are developed. These ways are comprehensive and relate to management decisions and the implementation of practical measures at all levels of government from the country’s leadership to the level of student government of the educational institution. In order to create conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of students, we proposed to involve future employers and use the mechanisms of public-private partnership.

Conclusions. The conceptual approaches to providing a healthy lifestyle of students are developed and recommended for practical implementation in the fields of health care and higher education in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Zhdanova О. V., Slabkiy, G. O., & Potokiy, N. J. (2020). CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES TO PROVIDING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE OF STUDENT’S YOUTH. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 4–9.



Health and society