
  • Yu. I. Mysula I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine



bipolar affective disorder, the primary episode, quality of life


Purpose: to investigate the quality of life in patients with primary episode of BAD, taking into account the sex and clinical version of the diseases debut.

Materials and Methods. We have clinically examined 65 men and 88 women diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder in the period 2011–2016 using the Mezzich Quality of Life Scale.

Results. Low rates of quality of life were found in the depressive variant of the primary episode of BAD in all areas: subjective well-being/satisfaction (7.04±2.52) points in all patients, (7.86±2.80) points in men, and (6.56±2.21) points in women (p<0.05), social roles (13.68±4.89) points, (15.18±4.29) points and (12.80±5.03) points (p<0.05), external living conditions (16.11±5.73) points, (17.34±5.47) points and (15.39±5.78) points (p>0.05), as well as the total quality of life score – (36.83±12.52) points, (40.39±12.03) points and (34.75±12.41) points (p<0.05). In patients with a manic variant, indicators in all spheres are high: respectively (26.91±3.64) points, (28.07±2.96) points and (24.75±3.99) points (p<0.05); (36.78±3.91) points, (38.20±3.10) points and (34.13±4.05) points (p<0.05); (26.70±3.10) points, (27.80±2.91) points and (24.63±2.39) points (p<0.05) and (90.39±10.35) points, (94.07±8.79) points and (83.50±9.96) points (p<0.05), and in the mixed variant – moderate: respectively (6.91±4.30) points, (8.50±4.76) points and (5.00±3.08) points (p>0.05); (13.09±6.55) points, (15.67±7.37) points and (10.00±4.18) points (p>0.05); (13.91±4.46) points, (16.00±3.85) points and (11.40±4.10)  points (p>0.05) and (33.91±14.96) points, (40.17±15.78) scores and (26.40±10.92) points (p>0.05).

Conclusions. In the depressive variant of the primary episode of BAD revealed low, and in the manic – high self-esteem quality of life in all areas, which is due to the influence of the current state of the affective sphere. In the mixed variant of the primary episode, moderate quality of life indices were found, which is related to the polymorphism of clinical manifestations and instability of the psycho-emotional state. In women, quality of life in the main areas is lower than in men, which is associated with a greater severity of depressive symptoms.

Author Biography

Yu. I. Mysula, I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine

MD, PhD, associate professor of Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology, National Gorbachevsky Memorial Medical University, Ternopyl, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Mysula, Y. I. (2020). SOME FEATURES OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN THE PRIMARY EPISODE OF BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 24–30.



Organization of medical care