patients family, cancer patients, psycho-oncology, medical-psychological helpAbstract
Purpose: to determine diagnostic criteria and develop an algorithm for analyzing the psychological status of the family with the cancer patient in relation to the course and treatment of the disease and its impact on family functioning.
Materials and methods. The study conducted in the M. Pyrohov Medical-Psychological Center and Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Oncology Clinic during 2015–2019 years with ethical and deontological standards. Based on study modern professional literature about psychological status families with cancer patients, evaluated criteria and developed algorithm of analysis psychological status of such families. On informed consent in research for building algorithm participated 288 families with cancer patient on different stages of treatment.
Results. Based on the definition main criteria that describing the psychological status of the family with the cancer patient, which included: psychological problems and needs, peculiarities of the emotional state, family behavior model, type of interaction during treatment, a step-by-step algorithm for assessing the psychological status of the family with cancer patients developed, which allowed differentiated medical-psychological help.
Conclusions. The basic directions of psychological help for a family with cancer patients are stabilization of psycho-emotional state of family members, transformation irrational ideas about the disease to more realistic, working with existential experiences, strengthening the support component in relationships, teaching effective communication about illness, promotion adaptive strategy for overcoming the disease.
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