multidisciplinary private clinic, management, multidisciplinary approach, services, teamAbstract
Purpose: to reveal the essence and feature of application of a multidisciplinary approach in the management of the multidisciplinary clinic.
Materials and Methods. Method of economic analysis, system approach, systematic analysis were used in the article. Through systematic analysis and meta-analysis of the literature, own observations, studies and analysis of the international recommendations of the heads of private medical institutions of the developed countries, their own view on multidisciplinary approach in the management of multi-disciplinary private clinic was offered.
Results. The article emphasizes that in the construction of a comprehensive management system of health care facilities it is necessary to take into account the features of each of the branches. After all, this exists on the basis that all services provided by medical institutions or employees have their own individual characteristics, which need to be considered in the economic management of the activities of institutions specializing in their production and implementation.
It is noted that the health care institution is a legal entity of any form of ownership and legal form or its separate unit that deals with the provision of medical care for the population, but acts within the limits of both licenses and professional skills of medical staff. The article states that interdisciplinarity has three values: breadth, integration and transformation. The concept of breadth includes quantitative and qualitative indicators. After all, on the one hand, it is a set of complementary disciplines, and on the other hand, it is a methodological and theoretical aspects, scientific groups, a set of quality standards, differentiation of the division of labor between employees, adequacy of results. In order to succeed, one must act in a collaborative and exchange environment. Intellectual interdisciplinary interaction facilitates the formation of self-determined monolithic structures.
Conclusions. Research has shown that a multidisciplinary approach to managing a multidisciplinary private clinic has three aspects: an aspect of overall facility management that involves the provision of a broad profile of healthcare services, innovative approaches and the selection of a multidisciplinary team of specialists; aspect of multidisciplinary approach in command management (targeted assistance, cross-industry team, multidisciplinary care manager team, multidisciplinary consultation and care team); an aspect of a multidisciplinary approach in multidisciplinary clinic services.
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