
  • O. O. Terzi Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine
  • N. O. Liakhova Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine
  • T. V. Pluzhnikova Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine



public health health care, patients’ rights, World Health Organization, medical law


Purpose: to analyze legal and ethical frameworks of public health.

Materials and Methods. The research methods were chosen taking into account the aim of the study. In order to establish objectivity and validity of scientific provisions, conclusions, during the research, a set of general scientific and special scientific methods was used, in particular such as: formal legal method was used to analyze the legal and ethical frameworks of public health; using the comparative legal method to find out the approaches of national legislation and international standards to the ethical component of public health, in particular the ethical component in the legal regulation of the activities of doctors, pharmaceutical specialists, patient protection, medical research and clinical trials; the method of forecasting and modeling was used to develop practical recommendations on the importance of analyzing the legal and ethical frameworks of public health in the process of reforming Ukraine’s health care system and implementing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union; the method of systematic analysis allowed to study the legal and ethical frameworks of public health as a component of the health care system of Ukraine; the historical and legal method has revealed the peculiarities of the evolution of legal and ethical frameworks of public health.

Results. Efficiency of legal regulation of public health depends on compliance with these law principles of morality and ethics. It is the legal and ethical obligation of the doctor to have absolute respect for human life and to preserve and restore the physical and mental health of people. Ethical and legal norms in the field of public health are also reflected in the guidelines on the protection of patients’ rights.

Conclusions. Therefore, the provisions of national law and international standards in the field of public health combine legal and ethical frameworks in regulating the activities of physicians, pharmaceutical professionals, patient protection, medical research and clinical trials. The effectiveness and the highest level of public health care required is inextricably linked to the reform of Ukraine’s health care system in accordance with international standards that combine ethics.

Author Biographies

O. O. Terzi, Odesa National Medical University, Odesa, Ukraine

Terzi Olena - PhD (Law), Associate Professor at Odessa National Medical University

N. O. Liakhova, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Liakhova Natalia - Lecturer in Department of Social Medicine, Organization and Health Economics with Biostatistics Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy

T. V. Pluzhnikova, Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, Poltava, Ukraine

Pluzhnikova Tatiana - PhD (Medicine), Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Medicine, Healthcare Organization and Economics with Biostatistics, Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy


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How to Cite

Terzi, O. O., Liakhova, N. O., & Pluzhnikova, T. V. (2019). LEGAL AND ETHICAL FRAMEWORKS OF PUBLIC HEALTH. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (3), 84–90.



The science for health care practice