public health system, Public Health Center, concept of public healthAbstract
Purpose: to identify the problematic aspects of the formation of public health system, to analyze the current state of development and designation of the main priorities in the field of public health.
Materials and Methods. The study includes methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction to identify the aspects of public health system in Ukraine and set targets for public health.
Results. The main issues in public health are analyzed. The public health system, as a basis for preventative medicine, should encompass basic health care measures and be aimed at preserving the health of the population and reducing the cost of health care.
The current elements of the public health system in Ukraine act in an uncoordinated manner and require the optimization of existing resources and a significant increase in the efficiency of its management. Measures to reform the health care system have only deepened the crisis of preventive medicine. The causes of such situation include socio-economic crisis, unfavorable environmental situation, unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity, smoking, alcohol and drugs abuse.
The Concept of public health in Ukraine envisages the development of regional public health systems – the creation of public health centers in each region. It is this new institution that should become the regional coordinator of public health activities, be flexible and able to fight both infectious and noninfectious diseases, be aimed at promoting, protecting and preserving the population health, ensuring the definition of the social determinant of health and social equity to coordinate action across all general government sectors.
Conclusions. As the existing health care system in Ukraine does not actually provide a preventive component, it is necessary to identify new approaches and to develop programs which can solve public health problems and ensure Public Health Center functioning as a coordinator of these programs and projects.
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