
  • O. M. Komar M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
  • N. M. Kizlova M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine



gastroenterological service, digestive system diseases, prevalence, morbidity, hospitalization rate, mortality


Purpose: characterization of the activity of the gastroenterological service in the Vinnytsia region in 2016–2018 by assessment of regional trends in prevalence, morbidity, hospitalization rate and mortality associated with digestive system diseases (DSD).

Materials and Methods. The following trends were selected to characterize the activity of the gastroenterological service in Vinnytsia region: prevalence, morbidity, hospitalization rate and mortality caused by digestive system diseases, supported by the in-depth analysis of nosological forms. The adult population of the region was selected as the target age contingent. We used the data from the national eHealth electronic medical information system for analysis and statistical processing. The research methods were epidemiological, medical and statistical ones.

Results. Assessment of the regional digestive system pathology prevalence and morbidity trends for 10 000 adult population revealed the annual decline of indicators, especially for the emergence diseases, the visibility index of which was (-) 16.9 % (233.0 and 193.7), and the DSD prevalence – (-) 8.93 % (2261.1 and 2059.2) in 2016 and 2018, respectively.

We observed the DSD hospitalization rate growth of five nosological forms (by visibility index): dyspepsia – (+) 30.28 %, perforated gastric and duodenal ulcer – (+) 19.38%, gastro-esophageal reflux – (+) 18.12 %, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis – (+) 10.8 %, and liver cirrhosis – (+) 8.95 %.

It was found that the DSD mortality rate grew in 2018 compared to the previous year (+) 101.6 % (from 1.25 to 1.27), including the following nosological forms: cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, cholangitis – (+) 110.5 %, gastric and duodenal ulcer – (+) 103.8 %, and liver cirrhosis – (+) 102.5 %.

Conclusion. Assessment of the trends in prevalence, morbidity, hospitalization rate and mortality caused by digestive system diseases has proved the accumulation of burdened resource-intensive chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system associated with the highest cost of medical treatment. The reasons for the current trend in spreading DSD are the combined effect of adverse state, systemic and individual factors that lead to continuous deterioration of health of the population of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

O. M. Komar, M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

DrPH, professor of Department of Social Medicine and organization of Public Health of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University

N. M. Kizlova, M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine

PhD, assoc. prof. of Department of Social Medicine and organization of Public Health of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University; Head of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Pyrohov Memorial Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Hospital, Chief Expert for the Gastroenterology Specialty


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How to Cite

Komar, O. M., & Kizlova, N. M. (2019). CHARACTERIZATION OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE GASTROENTEROLOGICAL SERVICE IN THE VINNYTSIA REGION IN 2016–2018. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 59–63.



Organization of medical care