
  • O. S. Skrypnikova School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • T. P. Yurochko School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine




early detection, screening, cancer, oncological diseases, incidence, mortality


Purpose: to analyze current incidence and mortality rates of cancer; a role of early detection or screening in reducing high cancer mortality; and approaches of screening in the world and Ukraine, particularly. Materials and Methods. A bibliosemantic, structural-logical, and comparative analysis and analytical method were used in the research. Results and Discussion. The incidence and mortality from cancer are increasing rapidly worldwide. The causes are complex, but reflect aging and population growth, as well as changes in the prevalence and distribution of major cancer risk factors, some of which are related to socio-economic development. The problem of high mortality from oncological diseases is very acute for all countries of the world, including economically developed ones. Between 30% and 60% of patients are died from cancer because of the late diagnosis. The analysis showed that the strategies for cancer control based on the WHO Resolution on Cancer in Great Britain, France, Poland, and the United States of America include prevention, diagnosis, and screening. It was possible to reduce mortality rate from cancer due to the wide use of the cancer screening system in routine medical practice. There are three mandatory screening tests for breast, cervix, and prostate cancer in Ukraine. However, these screening programs for cancer are currently ineffective. In fact, early diagnosis of cancer still comes from the patient's alertness to changes in health and self-examination for cancer.       

Conclusions. According to research released by WHO, millions of deaths due to different types of cancer have been recorded worldwide annually. However, it has been proven that early diagnosis and rational treatment of cancer can reduce incidence or mortality rates. The experience of Western Europe countries and the United States shows that the systematic work in early detection and screening allows reducing cancer incidence and mortality. In Ukraine, there are mandatory screening tests for breast, cervix, and prostate cancer but they have still related to non-systematic and, as a result, are ineffective.

Author Biographies

O. S. Skrypnikova, School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine

MSc, senior lecturer, School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine

T. P. Yurochko , School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD PA, docent, School of Public Health of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Skrypnikova, O. S., & Yurochko , T. P. (2019). EARLY DETECTION AND SCREENING AS THE MAIN COMPONENTS OF THE CANCER PREVENTION STRATEGY. Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (2), 23–32. https://doi.org/10.11603/1681-2786.2019.2.10476



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