
  • A. V. Samoilenko Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • I. V. Vozna Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



prosthetic dental treatment, material well-being, necessity


Purpose: to study providing and needs of Dneprospetsstal plant’s staff in dental prosthetic care.

Materials and Methods. To achieve the goal of the study, 913 factory workers were examined: 675 (73.9 %) men and 238 (26.1 %) women. All examined were divided into four age groups.

Results. In age of 21–30 a requirement in prosthetic treatment among the inspected contingent makes (73.9±0.35) %. In age 31–40 a necessity makes (85.3±0.47) % and arrives at 100 % in the age-related group 41–50.
On the whole, need prosthetic treatment of (91.1±0.06) % inspected (96.2±0.04) % men and (88.5±0.08) % women).

From data of our inspection, fully provided with the dentures of 37.1 % workers of plant, partly provided and need additional prosthetic treatment – 33.7 %, have a requirement in prosthetic treatment – 29.2 %.

Analyzing the results of our research, we have revealed the features of potential necessity of workers of plant in a prosthetic treatment in the different age-related groups.

Percent of workers that is fully provided with dentures, with age increases from 30.7 % in the age-related group 31–40 to 58.2 % in age 51–60. Percent of inspected, that have dentures, but need additional prosthetic treatment, arrives at maximal values in age 41–50 minimum – in the age-related group 51–60. For women these indexes more than for men (Р<0.05) in every age-related group.

Part of workers that does not have dentures, with age goes down from 69.7 % in the age-related group 21–30 to 18.2 % in age 51–60.

On the whole the requirement of the inspected workers in single prosthetic crowns makes (64.3±0.35) %, in dental bridges – (66.0±0.34) %, in partial removable dentures – (25.0±0.15) %, in complete dentures – (7.7±0.53) %.

Conclusions. Thus, from data of our inspection, (91.1±0.06) % of the inspected workers of the plant need prosthetic treatment. Fully provided with the dentures of 37.1 %, partly provided – 33.7 %, and 29.2 % workers had absolute requirement in prosthetic treatment.

At the age of 21–40 years old they need non-removable dentures, at 41–50 years old – in combined ones, at 51–60 years old – in removable dentures.

Author Biographies

A. V. Samoilenko, Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy, Dnipro, Ukraine

DSc (Medicine), Professor, Head of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of Dnipropetrovsk Medical Academy

I. V. Vozna, Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

PhD (Medicine), associate professor of the Department of Propaedeutic and surgical stomatology of Zaporizhzhya State Medical University


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How to Cite

Samoilenko, A. V., & Vozna, I. V. (2019). THE NEED OF DNIPROSPETSSTAL PLANT’S STAFF IN PROSTHETIC CARE . Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Health Protection Organization of Ukraine, (1), 19–24.



Health of the population:tendencies and forecasts