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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • File of submission is a Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF, or WordPerfect format document.
  • Internet references in the text are accompanied by full valid address URL.
  • Internet references in the text are accompanied by full correct address typed URL.Tekst 12th type size, single spaced, copyright emphasis in italics rather than underlining (everywhere except the address URL); All illustrations, charts, and tables are placed directly in the text where they should be on the content (not the end of the document).
  • Text conforms to the style and bibliography set out in the Guidelines for Authors section "About the journal".
  • If the material is presented in peer-reviewed section of the log file when you make a of submission was made instructions Guarantees blind review.

Author Guidelines


The journal belongs to the list of scientific publications that publish main results of dissertations (section "Medical sciences") SAC of Ukraine.

Thematic focus of the journal: issue of public health policy; the theoretical foundations of public health; Conceptual bases of reformation; the issue of prevention in health care; medical-demographic, medical and sociological studies; study and forecasting of health, development of models of health management; medical problems of healthy lifestyle; organization of public health; the management of health care; health economics, health insurance; regulatory, legal, human resources, information, logistics, financial support of the health system; Modern medical technology; the problem of training medical personnel and organization of postgraduate education; organization of health service; comprehensive health information system, its legal, information, software and technical support; organization of scientific research in health care and innovation; the history of medicine, medical ethics and deontology; problems of scientific medical information; Health Organization and management under extreme conditions; international experience of health care; international cooperation on health issues and more.

To the Editor (address: 02099, m. Kyiv, prov. Volga-Don 3) submitted work previously never published, not sent for publication to other publications, have information that constitutes state secrets: original article, literature reviews, short communications, book reviews, essays, information on the work of congresses, conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars and other academic, scientific and practical activities, and promotional material.


Rules of submission for publication

Material must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution in which it was made, visa management (supervisor), round seal certified institutions, expert opinion (review of internal institutions) and letter of guarantee of payment. If the material does not have a letter of guarantee, it is not considered, the author is not returned and submitted for consideration only after the repayment. Payment is made by publication or author institution after the review article by separate payment message sent.

The last page of the article should be handwritten signatures of all authors, name and patronymic (in full), title, academic degree, postal and email addresses, telephone numbers (office, mobile).

The author's original text should consist of three copies in Ukrainian:

• Text (volume of original articles, including pictures, literature, essay, no more than 8 pp .; reviews of literature, lectures, problem articles - no more than 12 p .; short messages, reviews - no more than 7 pp.) ;

• reference list (if the article is a reference, not more than 20 references in the review - not more than 50);

• tables;

• drawings (no more than 4) and signatures to them;

• abstracts in Russian, Ukrainian and English of no more than 175 words. The text of the abstract in all languages must necessarily contain the article title, authors, institution, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, key words; abstract amount is not more than 175 words (including the author's name and title of the article and the institution in which the author works).

Article typed on the computer are saved in rtf format and submitted in hard and electronic / e-mail ( or

The front page shall include: UDC left, initials and surnames, city in parentheses, title, name of the institution where the author works.

References served immediately under the text. The authors are mentioned in alphabetical order - first works of local authors, as well as foreign, published in Russian or Ukrainian language on foreign authors, as well as domestic, published in a foreign language. All sources should be numbered and have no more than 5 years of antiquity. Reference in the text are indicated by numbers in square brackets, must conform to the numbering of the references. Registration bibliography carried out by the new standard of bibliographic description 7.1 ISO: 2006. Abbreviations and their combinations lead accordance with GOST 3582-97 "Abbreviations in the Ukrainian language in bibliographic description. General requirements and rules." The authors must submit a reference list issued by the international standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style).

The text of the abstract should be printed in bold 12 points of line spacing - 1.5, the size of complying coast (fields), top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 25 mm, right - 10 mm.

Illustrations (charts, graphs, charts) should be in black and white scheme, built in the same programs as the text file and submitted along with the text file. Number of illustrations (drawings, diagrams, charts) should be minimal. Tables and figures placed in text immediately after the first reference to them. In the captions suggest a name, an explanation of all symbols (numbers, letters, curves, etc.). Tables must be compact, numbered, have a title. Non tables, their titles and digital data processed statistically, are exactly as given in the text. The formulas created in the editor of formulas Microsoft Equation 3.0.

Indications of different weights, physical units, the results of clinical and laboratory studies should be presented according to the International System of Units (SI), medical terms - according to the International anatomical and International histological nomenclatures names of diseases - according to the International Classification of Diseases tenth revision medicines - for State Pharmacopoeia (X, XI). The names of companies and units should be given in the original transcription. Reduction of the phrase, names, terms (other than known) are not allowed. The abbreviation stands after the first references and further text remains unchanged.

Responsibility for authenticity and originality of submitted materials (facts, quotes, names, names, research results, etc.) rests with the authors. Articles, prepared without observance of the rules will not be considered and will not be returned to the authors.

In conducting the research and the papers authors should follow the rules of bioethics. Articles must pass inspection in the absence of plagiarism and have appropriate expert advice.

Version provides review articles, and performs special editor reserves the right to reduce the amount of articles. Disclaimer authors in publishing materials can be without giving any reason and is not considered a negative conclusion regarding scientific and practical significance of the work.

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