About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal publishes articles which highlight the 


The journal belongs to the list of scientific publications that publish main results of dissertations (section "Medical sciences") SAC of Ukraine.

Thematic focus of the journal: issue of public health policy, theoretical foundations of public health; conceptual foundations of the health sector reform, issues of prevention in public health, medical-demographic and medical-social research, study and prediction of health, development of health management models, health issues of a healthy lifestyle, organization of public health, issues of public health management, economics of public health, medical insurance, regulatory, legal, personnel, information, technical, and financial provision of the health sector, modern medical technology, problems of training of medical personnel and organization of postgraduate education, public health in Ukraine, integrated information of the health sector, its legal, information, software and technical support, organization of healthcare research and introduction of innovations, issues of history of medicine, medical ethics and deontology, problems of organization of scientific medical information, organization of public health and its management under extreme conditions, international experience of health, international cooperation on health care and more.

Editorial Board (Address: 02099, Kyiv, 3 Volha-Don Alley) receives articles that have not previously been published and are not considered for publication by other journals, do not contain information that constitutes state secrets: original articles, literature reviews, short communications, book reviews, essays, information on the work of congresses, conferences, symposia, meetings, seminars and other academic, scientific and practical activities, as well as promotional materials.


Rules of submission for publication

Material must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution at which it was written, approval of manager (supervisor), certified with the institution's seal, expert opinion (institution's internal review) and payment guarantee letter. If the material does not have a guarantee letter, it is not considered, not returned the author, but submitted for consideration only after payment. Payment for publication is made by the institution or author after article review according to a separate payment message.

The last page of the article should contain handwritten signatures of all authors, their full names, positions, academic titles, postal addresses and emails, telephone numbers (office, mobile).

The author's original text should consist of three copies in the Ukrainian language and one in the English language:

• text (size of original articles, including figures, references, abstract, should not exceed 8 pages; literature reviews, lectures, problem articles should not exceed 12 pages; short messages, reviews should not exceed 7 pages) ;

• reference list (if the article has references – not more than 20 references, in a review – not more than 50);

• tables;

• figures (no more than 4) and their titles;

• abstracts in Ukrainian and English of 1800-2500 characters with spaces. The text of the abstract in all languages must necessarily contain the article title, names of authors, institution, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, key words; abstract of 1800-2500 characters with spaces (including the author's name and title of the article and the institution in which the author works).

Article typed using a PC are saved in .rtf format and submitted in hard and soft copies / e-mail (s.nauka@ukr.net or lisovska@tdmu.edu.ua).

The front page shall include: left-aligned UDC index, full names of authors, city in parentheses, title, name of institution where the author works.

References are provided immediately under the text. The authors are mentioned in alphabetical order - first works of Ukrainian authors as well as foreign authors published in Russian or Ukrainian language, then foreign authors as well as Ukrainian published in a foreign language. All sources should be numbered and be no more than 5 years old. Reference in the text are indicated with numbers in square brackets, must conform to the numbering of the references. Bibliography is compiled by the new standards of bibliography 7.1 ISO: 2006. Abbreviations and their combinations are in accordance with GOST 3582-97 "Abbreviations in the Ukrainian language in bibliographic description. General requirements and rules." The authors must submit a reference list issued by the international standard APA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style).

The text of the abstract should be printed in bold 12 points, line spacing - 1.5, the size of complying coast (fields), top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 25 mm, right - 10 mm.

Illustrations (charts, graphs, charts) should be in black and white scheme, built in the same programs as the text file and submitted along with the text file. Number of illustrations (figures, diagrams, charts) should be minimal. Tables and figures placed in text immediately after the first reference to them. In the captions suggest a name, an explanation of all symbols (numbers, letters, curves, etc.). Tables must be compact, numbered, have a title. Non tables, their titles and digital data processed statistically, are exactly as given in the text. The formulas created in the editor of formulas Microsoft Equation 3.0.

Indications of different weights, physical units, the results of clinical and laboratory studies should be presented according to the International System of Units (SI), medical terms - according to the International anatomical and International histological nomenclatures names of diseases - according to the International Classification of Diseases tenth revision medicines - for State Pharmacopoeia (X, XI). The names of companies and units should be given in the original transcription. Reduction of the phrase, names, terms (other than known) are not allowed. The abbreviation stands after the first references and further text remains unchanged.

Responsibility for authenticity and originality of submitted materials (facts, quotes, names, names, research results, etc.) rests with the authors. Articles, prepared without observance of the rules will not be considered and will not be returned to the authors.

In conducting the research and the papers authors should follow the rules of bioethics. Articles must pass inspection in the absence of plagiarism and have appropriate expert advice.

Version provides review articles, and performs special editor reserves the right to reduce the amount of articles. Disclaimer authors in publishing materials can be without giving any reason and is not considered a negative conclusion regarding scientific and practical significance of the work.

You can buy a journal subscription and retail. With the purchase of call tel .: (0352) 52-80-09.

Editorial board

Peer Review Process

1. Editorial Board accepts an article provided that it meets the requirements published in the journal and posted on the website http://ojs.tdmu.edu.ua

2. An accepted article is subject to a review.

3. Editor-in-Chief determines scientific value of a study and appoints two reviewers – independent experts who are closest to the subject of scientific specialization.

4. Review period is four weeks. Depending on the situation and upon a reviewer's request, review period may be extended.

5. In order to maximize the full and objective response to an article, editorial board has developed a guide for reviewers.

6. A reviewer makes one of the following conclusions:

- Recommend the article for publication in the author's version

- Recommend the article for publication after revision and consideration of these shortcomings

- Recommend to send the article for additional review by another specialist

- Deny publication.

7. Editor-in-Chief considers the reviewers' proposals and makes a decision: send an article for publication or return it to the author suggesting to improve it considering the reviewers' recommendations. The article revised by the authors is reviewed again.

8. Editorial Board adheres to the double blind review policy, the author is unaware of who evaluates his work, and the reviewer is unaware of whom he reviews. Correspondence between the reviewer and the author goes through the Editorial Board. While evaluating an article, a reviewer may decide to engage some experts to give reasonable decision on publication.

9. To Editor-in-Chief, a reviewer's decision is not final. If the reviewers' decisions do not match, the Editor-in-Chief sends the article to a third reviewer for additional review.

10. If the author disagrees with a review, he/she may send a reasoned response, and the Editorial Board then makes a decision about whether it's reasonable to send it to other components reviewers. In conflict or unusual situations, the Editor-in-Chief alone makes a decision.

11. In case of a positive review, the article goes through the following stages: spelling and stylistic editing, technical editing and layout design in order to be transferred to the publisher.

12. Scientific Boards of the SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Research of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" finalize the edition at the subsequent meeting.

13 Original articles and reviews are stored by the journal editor for one year.

Open Access Policy

This magazine is practicing a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free flow of scientific information and global knowledge sharing for the common social progress.

Frequency of publication


Publication ethics

The journal "Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Organization of Public Health of Ukraine" shares and supports the policies of the Elsevier publishing house, aimed at compliance with the principles of publishing ethics.

Bioethical principles

The author must not publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal. Submission of materials / manuscripts for publication in the journal "Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Organization of Public Health of Ukraine" that were previously published is considered unacceptable and unethical behavior.

The author must not submit for consideration the work that was previously published in another journal. Publication of certain types of articles (eg translations) in more than one journal is sometimes justified if certain conditions are met. Authors and editors of respective journals must agree to re-publication reflecting the same data and interpretations printed in the original article. Reference of the original articles should be cited in the secondary publications.

The author submitting the article should ensure and guarantee the inclusion of all article authors in the manuscript and their approval of the final version of the study in order to avoid conflicts of interest.

In conducting research and preparing the papers, authors must comply with the rules of bioethics http: //www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/


Plagiarism detection

Plagiarism detection process underlies the success of scientific publications. The Editor follows the guidelines developed by the Editorial Board and the legal requirements to prevent defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism.

The journal "Bulletin of Social Hygiene and Organization of Public Health of Ukraine" checks all manuscripts submitted to the journal for plagiarism using independent experts and special software. Responsibility for authenticity and originality of submitted materials (facts, quotes, names, research results, etc.) rests with the authors.

In case of plagiarism, authors are responsible for the material submitted. Articles prepared without observance of the rules will not be considered and will not be returned to the authors. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical and unacceptable behavior.


Publication of materials requires payment. Payment is made after a positive review and approval of articles for publication by the Editorial Board, of which the author is informed by the Editorial Board.

The journal does not charge a filing and article review fee.

International Indexing of the Journal

The journal is indexed by Google Scholar, CrossRef, Index Copernicus, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)

Journal History

The magazine was founded in 1999 made by Ukrainian Institute of Public Health (now the Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Studies, Ministry of Health of Ukraine) and Ternopil State Medical University by I.Ya. Gorbachevsky. The main chief editor became Dr.of med. Science, professor. V.M. Ponomarenko, after his death in 2007, the main chief editor became Dr. of med. Science, professor. G.O. Slabky. From the third issue of the magazine in 2012 the chief editor is cand. of state. management S.A. Linnik. In 2019, Dr. Honey is again the editor-in-chief. of sciences, prof. G.O. Slabkiy. The magazine is published 4 times a year. It consists of the following main sections: public health, health care organization, health economics, history of medicine, and so on. In the development of the magazine, it incorporated an editorial column, the development of primary health care, informatization of medicine, etc. As the authors of the journal were leading Ukrainian experts in the field of health care, which mainly submitted materials based on deep experimental data.