
  • S. I. Bohaichuk I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • S. S. Riabokon I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
  • O. B. Migenko I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University



gerontological care, nurses, elderly and senile patients, gerontological training of nurses


Introduction. The increase in the proportion of elderly and senile patients in modern society creates the need for a deep understanding of the specifics of their medical care. Taking into account the physiological and psychosocial aspects of this category of patients becomes critical for ensuring quality and effective medical care. In Ukraine, the task of adapting the medical system to the needs of geriatric patients is urgent. Organizational and social aspects require improvement, in particular through the creation of specialized programs and advanced training of medical staff.

The aim of the study – to carry out a systematic analysis and determination of the main aspects of the work of nurses with the target group of patients, taking into account the challenges that arise in the context of providing high-quality and effective medical care to the elderly and senile.

The main part. Consideration of the specifics of a nurse’s work with elderly and senile patients is based on a multidisciplinary approach, taking into account not only medical, but also psychological, social and ethical aspects. The application of qualitative methods allows for a deeper understanding of the context of the nurse’s interaction with patients, to identify psychosocial factors and aspects of care that are important for people of older age groups. Understanding psychosomatic aspects in geriatric patients is key to successful prevention and treatment. A nurse, who pays attention not only to physical condition, but also to mental well-being, affects the overall result of treatment. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient and identify risk factors for psychosomatic diseases in time. The ability to promote psycho-emotional health becomes an important component of nursing care in geriatrics.

Conclusions. Considering the development of gerontology and the growth of the elderly population, the training of nurses to work with the target group becomes an urgent task for the healthcare system. The work of a nurse with elderly patients requires a comprehensive approach and specialized skills. For optimal care of elderly patients, it is important to develop the skills of empathy, patience and an individualized approach. Understanding and addressing the psychological aspects of aging, such as anxiety and mental well-being, are key elements of nurses’ professional competence.


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How to Cite

Bohaichuk, S. I., Riabokon, S. S., & Migenko, O. B. (2024). THE ROLE OF THE NURSE IN PROVIDING MEDICAL CARE TO ELDERLY AND SENILE PATIENTS. Nursing, (1), 94–99.


