Content of products of lipoperoxidation and activity of the antioxidant system in myocardium in the dynamics of formation of experimental periodontitis


  • O. T. Horodetskyy Danylo halytskyi lviv national medical university
  • M. S. Regeda Danylo halytskyi lviv national medical university



experimental periodontitis, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant system


In the development of periodontitis, markers of free radical oxidation and antioxidant system in the myocardium are accompanied by changes, which gradually trigger the processes of lipid peroxidation and compensatorily stimulate the activity of the enzymes studied, followed by depression of antioxidant defense. These violations are manifested in varying degrees and vary in direction, which indicates a variety of mechanisms of development of inflammation in the periodontal disease.

The aim of the study – to find out the content of lipid peroxidation products and antioxidant enzyme activity in the myocardium system dynamics formation of experimental periodontitis.

Materials and Methods. Experiments were carried out on 45 non-linear white rats, males, of body weight 0.17–0.21 kg, which were divided into five groups (9 animals in each). Group 1 – control, groups 2, 3, 4, 5 – groups of animals with experimental periodontitis according to the 1st, 7th, 10th and 17th days of the experiment.

Results and Discussion. The results of biochemical studies found that on the 1st, 7th, 10th and 17th days of the formation of experimental periodontitis, there was an increase in the content of myocardium of diene conjugates (DC), malonic dialdehyde (MDA), indicating the activation of processes free radical oxidation (FRO). Together with the study of violations of the prooxidant system, the peculiarities of changes in antioxidant defense were studied in terms of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CT), and the content of ceruloplasmin (CP) indices in the myocardium in the dynamics of the formation of experimental periodontitis. It is established that these indices increase on the 1st day of the experiment, at the 7th day they do not change and at the 10th and 17th days their significance in the dynamics of periodontitis decreases.

Conclusions. Determination of the markers of FRO (DC and MDA) and AOS (SOD, CT, CP) in the myocardium showed a gradual stimulation of LPO processes and compensatory growth of activity of the investigated enzymes with subsequent depression of antioxidant defense, especially on the 10th and 17th days of the formation of periodontitis, which indicates the development of oxidative stress.


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How to Cite

Horodetskyy, O. T., & Regeda, M. S. (2019). Content of products of lipoperoxidation and activity of the antioxidant system in myocardium in the dynamics of formation of experimental periodontitis. CLINICAL DENTISTRY, (1), 60–64.



Experimental researches