


systemic approach, personalized medicine, precision medicine, theranostics, respiratory pro-teomics, ontology of knowledge, identification of the correctness of diagnostic decisions


Background. The issue of determining the role of systemic biomedicine in achieving the goal of personalized medicine is considered. It was found that in various studies the concept of personalized medicine has names: precision, targeted, individualized and personalized medicine. In our study, the listed concepts are considered as synonyms.

Materials and methods. A theoretical analysis and generalization of information about the role of systemic biomedicine in achieving the goal of personalized medicine was carried out. The research results are systematized according to databases of scientific periodicals: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, etc. Classical methods of information search and processing were used at various stages of the research.

Results. It is noted that the use of principles and methods of systemic biomedicine provides new opportunities in the study of chronic multifactorial human diseases. Modern developments in the field of machine learning (with an emphasis on deep learning) may allow in the future to perform the process of personalized diagnosis of early metabolic disorders in the clinic.

Conclusions. It is necessary to solve the issues of identifying the choice of a solution in personalized medicine, classifying the risks of a similar strategy, mathematical methods of comparing possible approaches.


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How to Cite

Mintser, O. P., Babintseva, L. Y., Mokhnachov, S. I., & Sukhanova, O. O. (2023). SYSTEMIC BIOMEDICINE AS THE BASIS OF PERSONALIZED AND PRECISION MEDICINE. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (1-2).


