
  • G. V. Knyshov National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after MM Amosov AMS of Ukraine
  • B. L. Palets National Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after MM Amosov AMS of Ukraine



Computational physiology (CP) is a field of study of living systems by means of mathematical modeling. In this article, basing on studies of interaction between heart and the cardiovascular system in animals as well as in patients with acquired left ventricle lesions, it is shown that model analysis is essential for correct assessment of the results of experiments and clinical trials. There are reasons to consider that the CP methods will find their application for dealing with problems of evidence-based medicine, as they allow to eliminate or reduce significance of systematic errors in clinical studies.


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Медична інформатика та інженерія, № 2, 2008

How to Cite

Knyshov, G. V., & Palets, B. L. (2012). COMPUTATIONAL PHYSIOLOGY IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL STUDIES OF THE CIRCULATION. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2).


