
  • A. Kryuchyn Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine
  • Ye. V. Belyak Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine
  • Ye. A. Kryuchyna Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine
  • A. V. Potebnya Institute for Information Recording of NAS of Ukraine



The results of the analysis of the development of storage systems on DNA molecules are given. The considerable potential for such storage systems for the organization of long-term storage of large volumes of information is shown. The conditions for the extensive use of memory on DNA are determined. It is shown that the key to the use of WORM-type memory on DNA molecules is a significant increase in the speed of sequencing nukleatidov recorded sequences. Data on conditions of storage memory chips on DNA, which provide long-term storage of large volumes of information is presented.


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How to Cite

Kryuchyn, A., Belyak, Y. V., Kryuchyna, Y. A., & Potebnya, A. V. (2015). STATUS AND PROBLEMS OF DNA MEMORY CREATING. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (3).


