
  • S. V. Veselyi Donetsk National Medical University by M. Horkyi
  • M. Yu. Veselyi Donetsk National Medical University by M. Horkyi



The catamnesis in 150 children with an intussusception in terms from 6 months till 10 years after surgical intervention is investigated. Complex biochemical and immunological inspection is carried out to 30 patients. Besides morphological research 10 bioptats of the taken parietal peritoneum, is carried out during operative treatment. Studying before-, intra-and postoperative condition of patients, and also forecasting of current and outcome of disease carried out as a result of search of the «risk factors» determining probability of occurrence and gravity of clinical current of the invagination of intestine in children. In the early postoperative period 4 children (2.7 %) have died in connection with an incompetence of the anastomosis, plural intestinal fistulas and progressing of the peritonitis. Catamnesis observation has revealed, that 104 (69.3 %) the child after operative desinvagination grew and developed according to age. 34 patients (22.7 %) further had the gastroenteropathy described periodic dysphagia and dyspepsia by the phenomena. In 12 children (8.0 %) the adhesive disease has developed. Patients with high risk of occurrence of late complications after operative desinvagination require long-term observation and rehabilitation actions.


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How to Cite

Veselyi, S. V., & Veselyi, M. Y. (2015). PREDICTING THE COURSE AND OUTCOME OF THE TREATMENT OF INTUSSUSCEPTION IN CHILDREN. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2).


