The possi bilities of using trigger formats to manage correction of pathological conditions were consi dered. The adaptation model of stress was analyzed. It is shown the possi bility of using the scatter of results to assess congruence compensatory reactions. As suggested hypothesis thesis that in this case trigger cascades do not work because there are not enough conditions in the body to fulfill certain trigger reactions. It is proven by the low efficacy coefficient. The relative coefficient is optimal for obtaining qualitative conclusion on the validity of pat hogenetic mechanisms. It might be useful to follow the recommendations regarding coefficient value and the degree of fluctuation researched criteria: 10 % - weak fluctuations; 10-25 % - moderate fluctuations; more than 25 % - high waves. It is shown the possi bility of using “golden proportion” to quantify the level of metabolic condition or viability, which was detected in the culture of MNCs as a ratio to the spontaneous and induced apoptosis in the control of equal value of ’’golden proportion” -0.614. It began to decline in rabbits in two weeks of stressing - 0.739 and 0.909 - in 4 weeks of stressing.References
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