There is not enough іп most cases to provide syntactic interoperabi1i1y for interaction between the different educational systems іп the Intranet / Internet networks. Today there is virtually no educational systems that solve this problem by using a single dictionary (taxonomy) with descriptions of the data used (ontology). So, that is the problem of lack of clear semantic definitions prevents the unification of educational systems from different manufacturers.
The article first considered the possibility of using ontological representations for selection of assisted reproductive technologies for infertility. Specific criteria for assessing the effectiveness of ontological structures are proposed. In the development of ontology to summarize knowledge of assisted reproductive technology used five-level scheme. The first level is reserved for basic information, where we use all theoretically possible terms and concepts, and the second - is designed to solve diagnostic problems, the third - to address the medical, therapeutic management of fourth-and fifth process - educational technology. A scheme for data clustering survey of patients requiring the use of assisted reproductive technologies, containing 11 clusters of attributes.
The possibilities of practical use of medical ontology’s are discussed.
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