


mental health, quantitative assessments, behavioral and cognitive functions, language assessment, emotional state, testing, integrated assessment of individual and population mental health


Background. Assessment of a person's mental health is probably the most important and most difficult component of determining the health of an individual and a population. The purpose of the work was to analyze the conceptual possibility of quantitative assessment of mental health and to determine the criterion of mental health of the individual and the population.

Materials and methods. A theoretical analysis and generalization of information on the assessment of human mental health and determination of the criterion of mental health of an individual and the population was carried out. The research results were systematized using the following databases of scientific periodicals: Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect etc. Classical methods of information search were applied at various stages of the research.

Results. Answering the question contained in the purpose of the study, one should express the opinion that at the current period of development of medicine, there is no method of integral assessment of mental health. Additional work is needed to study factors related to mental health and decision-making processes regarding the policy of assessment and strengthening of mental health. There is a need for reliable and reliable indicators of the state of mental health of the individual and the population, as well as for the substantiation of indicators to track the validity and fairness of the data.

Conclusions. Most importantly - the creation of an integral quantitative criterion for assessing human mental health. The level of electronic research in the field of mental health is constantly increasing. This is due to the extremely rapid growth in the implementation of information technologies, including the Internet of Things, robotics, artificial intelligence, applied to the provision of psychiatric services.


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How to Cite

Mintser, O. P., & Novyk, A. M. (2023). INFORMATIONAL ASPECTS OF QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE INDIVIDUAL MENTAL HEALTH. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (1-2), 4–23.


