


Kirlianphotography method, distilled water, natural water


Background. Modern study of the properties of water is not possible without studying its coherent state. The formation of ordered structures in water depends on the formation of dissipative structures in which quantum coupling fields are provided.

Materials and methods. Previously, Kirlian images of water on X-ray film were studied in order to evaluate its coherent properties. The relations between the differences in the medians of the Ki-luminosity of the samples of the control distilled and coherent water on it are calculated.

Results. The conducted research made it possible to establish evaluation criteria for the presence of water coherence, its polarization and the degree of the latter, which determines its biological properties. The choice of distilled or natural drinking water as a control sample depends on the task.

Conclusions. The obtained results can be used as additional for rapid assessment of coherent properties of water in the study of its energy and information characteristics.


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How to Cite

Mintser, O., Pisotska, L. A., Glukhova, N. V., Krasnobryzhev, V. H., & Tepla, T. D. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE COHERENT PROPERTIES OF WATER ACCORDING TO THE HISTOGRAM OF THE BRIGHTNESS OF ITS KIRLIANPHOTOGRAPH. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (4), 39–49.


