
  • V. O. Biloshenko Donetsk institute for physics and engineering named after O. O. Galkin of NAS of Ukraine
  • V.Z. Gurianov Bogomolets National Medical University
  • Yu. Ye. Liakh Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • V. V. Pryhodchenko Donetsk institute for physics and engineering named after O. O. Galkin of NAS of Ukraine



mammary gland diseases, thermography, fractal analysis, neural model


Background. The problems of early diagnosis of breast cancer are related to the quality and life expectancy of women. One of the ways to solve this problem is to conduct screening — a preventive examination of women, starting from 35 years.

The contact digital thermography of the mammary glands meets the requirements for the primary examination of the mammary gland, but evaluation of the results of thermography requires the training of qualified specialists.

Purpose. Solving the problem of simplifying and accelerating the evaluation of the results of thermography data can be accomplished by developing a software package for the automated evaluation of thermograms.

Materials and methods. 685 records of thermograms of women aged 18-86 years, which have the final diagnosis based on a comprehensive examination was analyzed. To estimate the distribution of the temperature of the mammary glands, an algorithm for estimating the Hurst index for the high dimensional fractals was used.

Results. By the statistical analysis, significant indicators describing the field of temperature of the mammary glands, which allow discriminating the norm and pathology, were revealed. On the significant variables, a mathematical model of prediction of the risk of breast pathology was constructed. The automated system was implemented by mean of nonlinear neural network models, which allows 90.2 % sensitivity and 85.1 % specificity to predict the risk of pathology.

Conclusion. The automated system is developed that allows using the thermography method to detect breast pathology during screening studies by a trained medical professional with nursing or paramedic education or family doctors.


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How to Cite

Biloshenko, V. O., Gurianov, V., Liakh, Y. Y., & Pryhodchenko, V. V. (2019). AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR EVALUATION OF THE MAMMARY GLANDS EXAMINATION RESULTS FOR CONTACT DIGITAL THERMOGRAPHY. Medical Informatics and Engineering, (2), 25–37.


