Investigation of peroxidase preparation composition and properties isolated from horseradish roots


  • I. I. Romanovska
  • S. S. Dekina
  • І. B. Psakhis
  • B. Y. Psakhis



horseradish peroxidase, electrophoresis, biochemical properties.


Using the precipitation of proteins by zinc and ammonium sulfates, then by polymer and subsequent dialysis, the peroxidase preparation from horseradish roots was isolated (RZ=0.7), with yield by protein 1.7 % and specific peroxidative activity 7.6 U. By SDS-electrophoresis method it was verified the obtaining of partially purified peroxidase preparation with molecular mass (43±0.5) kDa. By the native electrophoresis method it was determined, that 80.8 % of the total preparation protein possesses expressed peroxidase activity. 


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How to Cite

Romanovska, I. I., Dekina, S. S., Psakhis І. B., & Psakhis, B. Y. (2016). Investigation of peroxidase preparation composition and properties isolated from horseradish roots. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 68–70.

