chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oxidative stress, mechanismsAbstract
Introduction. The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) continues to grow steadily and according to researchers, by 2030 this disease will be the third most significant cause of death. The pathophysiology of COPD is complicated and largely unexplored. Most researchers in patients with COPD determine local and systemic changes that include oxidative stress, changes in levels of acute phase proteins and inflammatory mediators, although there is no single point of view regarding their role in this disease.
We used general scientific research methods.
Researchers noted that peroxide oxidation of proteins is not only a trigger mechanism for pathological stress, but also one of the earliest markers of oxidative stress and reflects the degree of oxidative cell damage and reserve adaptive capacity of the body in case of COPD. Oxidative stress leads to the oxidation of arachidonic acid and the formation of a new generation of prostanoic mediators, the so-called isoprostants, which can exhibit pronounced functional effects, including bronchoconstriction and plasma exudation.
To counteract the negative effects of oxidative stress in the body, there are an enzyme and non-zinc levels of the antioxidant defense system. High antioxidant efficacy is manifested by copper-zinc-containing SOD, gem-containing catalase, selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase. Analysis of literary sources suggests that the internal antioxidant glutathione is a loud protective system in the epithelium of the lungs. The protective effects of a related antioxidant system, established in the epithelium, are surprisingly regulated by the genes. This can be one of the reasons why only 10 % of people who smoke has COPD.
The aim of the study – to analyze modern literary sources about the role of free radical processes in the mechanisms of development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Conclusion. The analysis of literature data showed that oxidative stress plays an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, but the mechanisms of its influence require a more detailed and in-depth study.
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