active pharmaceutical ingredient, local treatment of burn, semisolid dosage formsAbstract
Introduction. Wounds – tissue damage caused by the effect of high temperature, chemicals (acids, alkalis, salts of heavy metals), electric current, solar and X-rays, as well as some medications. The problem of treatment of burn wounds in Ukraine and around the world is relevant for today. The share of burns ranges from 5.6 % to 10 %, and it ranks third place in the structure of general injuries. In Ukraine, 80 000 cases of burn wounds are registered annually, of which children account for 10 %, in 2017, from burns in Ukraine were injured 7 605 children. Therefore, the creation of a new group of original domestic medical products that would stimulate regenerative skin processes and improve the healing of burn wounds are relevant today.
The aim of the study – to learn the therapeutic efficacy of selected active pharmaceutical ingredients with burn injury.
Research Methods. The research was conducted on Wistar rats of both sexes. Thermal burns, degree II according to the clinical classification, reproduced on the shaved area of the back in aseptic conditions, under thiopental anesthesia.
Screening of selected samples with different active pharmaceutical ingredients of chemical, natural and biological material conducted to create a semisolid drug for the local treatment burns.
Results and Discussion. The result of biological research on the model of a superficial burn wound, a high wound healing activity of a mild formulation based on aqueous extraction with a cryoliophilized xenoderm of porcine skin was established. The healing process lasts an average of 17 days. This active pharmaceutical ingredient contributed a reduction of treatment burn wounds for 4 days compared with a control group and on 2–3 days compared with other substances subject to experimental study.
Conclusion. The efficiency of the use of biological material, namely, the cryoliophilized xenoderm of porcine skin as an active pharmaceutical ingredient for the local treatment of burns, was proved.
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