burnet saxifrage, grass and rhizomes and roots, gas chromatographic mass spectrometry, volatile compoundsAbstract
Introduction. There are 5 species of plants of the pimpinella species celery family (apiaceae) in ukraine. The most common is burnet saxifrage (pimpinella saxifraga l.), a perennial herb, a typical representative of the pimpinella species. To date, there is ample information about the use of burnet saxifrage in the folk medicine – decoctions of subterranean organs of a plant are used as an expectorant for prolonged cough, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and chronic bronchitis; in the treatment of gastric diseases (flatulence, disorders of digestion, chronic gastritis, enterocolitis). It is also used as an anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive agent.
In accessible sources of scientific literature there is not enough information on the chemical composition of the burnet saxifrage. There is no information about the study of its volatile compounds. Taking into account that the essential oils of the apiaceae family are widely used in folk and scientific medicine as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic, insecticidal, antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the fact that in accessible sources of scientific literature there is not enough information on the chemical composition of the burnet saxifrage , there is no information about the study of its volatile compounds the aim of our study was to study the volatile compounds of the burnet saxifrage of rhizomes and roots, and to establish their component composition.
Research methods. Component composition of volatile compounds was investigated by chromatographic method on the agilent 6890n/5973 inert chromatographic mass spectrometric system (agilent technologies, usa). Identification of sample components was carried out using the nist 02 mass spectrometry library.
Results and discussion. As a result of studies in the grass of burnet saxifrage, the 59 components of volatile compounds were revealed, of which 26 were identified, the main were germacrene-d, β-bisabolin, heptacosan and nonacosan. In the grass of the investigated object, sesquiterpene alcohol - α-bergamotol, which may be a marker compound of the volatile fraction of the grass of the burnet saxifrage, was detected. 65 components of volatile compounds were revealed in the roots of pimpinella saxifraga l., 27 among them were identified. The main compounds are cariofilin, n-hexadecanoic acid and 9,12-octadecacic acid, hermakren-d and β-guryunene. Common components are herbs and subterranean organs of the burnet saxifrage: β-farnesene, germacrene-d, β-bisabolene, 1,3-dimethylnaphthalene and p-hexadecanoic acid.
Conclusions. The method of gas chromatographic mass spectrometry was used to investigate the qualitative composition of volatile compounds of the the burnet saxifrage grass, and roots and rhizomes. In the grass, 59 components were revealed, 26 – identified. In rhizomes and roots, 27 components were identified from 65 revealed. The main components of the burnet saxifrage grass thigh are germakren-d, β-bisabolin, heptacosan, nonacosan; rhizomes and roots – kariofilen, germakren-d and β- guryunene. The common components of the subterranean and aboveground organs of the plant are β-farnesene, germacrene-d, β-bisabolene, 1,3-dimethylnaphthalene and p-hexadecanoic acid. The marker compound of the volatile fraction from the grass of the burnet saxifrage - α-bergamotol was established.
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