dry extract from leaves of cuttinglettuce, carragenan edema, anti-inflammatory effect, white ratsAbstract
Introduction. The problem of pharmacological correction of inflammation, is still relevant, because it is not completely solved by modern medicine. One of the promising areas for creating safe and effective anti-inflammatory drugs is phytotherapy. In recent years, interest has increased in preparations of plant origin.
The aim of the study –to learn the anti-inflammatory activity of the dry extract from the leaves of the planting cuttinglettuce in an experiment with simulated carrageenan edema of the rat paws.
Research Methods. In determining the anti-inflammatory activity of the extract from the cuttinglettuce leaves, mongrel white male rats weighing 180–200 grams were used. Induction of acute aseptic inflammation was carried out by subplantal injection of 0.1 ml of a 1% solution of carragenan. The test sample of the extract at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight was administered to experimental rats intragastrically in the preventive regimen once per 1 hour before the induction of inflammation. After 1, 3, 6 and 24 hours, the volume of the healthy and affected limb was measured using a mechanical on-line meter. The antiexudative activity of the extract was determined by the degree of edema reduction in the experimental animals as compared to the control animals and expressed as a percentage. As a reference, diclofenac sodium was used at a dose of 8 mg/kg.
Results and Discussion. We found out that in the group of animals that received the extract from the leaves of the cuttinglettuce, the maximum positive effect on the development of edema was observed at 3 hours from the beginning of the filling (31.22%) and continued until the end of the experiment. After 24 hours from the onset of inflammation, the effect of using the extract from the salad was slightly lower. But less pronounced influence on the development of inflammation was for 1 hour of study. A similar effect was shown by diclofenac sodium, although a significant effect from its use appeared already at the first hour from the beginning of the experiment.
Conclusion. The expressive anti-inflammatory activity of the dry extract from the cuttinglettuce leaves is proved, which most actively suppresses the development of the paw edema on the third hour of inflammation.
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