diabetes mellitus, dry extract; mulberry white, blackberry common, bean common, oral glucose tolerance testAbstract
Introduction. Diabetes mellitus is a social catastrophe that deprives life of millions of people and the worst trend is that two-thirds of them are employable population. The search for new hypoglycemic agents is an actual problem task of modern pharmacy, despite the fact that the modern pharmaceutical market is represented by a broad drugs arsenal of used for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus patients with. Due to a complex of biologically active substances in plants, herbal remedies manifest a multifaceted action on the human body, thus ensuring the influence on various stages of development of diabetes and its specific and non-specific complications, with a minimal risk of toxic or allergic influence and can be like an alternative for synthetic hypoglycaemic drugs.
The aim of the study – to research the hypoglycemic action of the herbal remedy (a combination of dry extracts of white mulberry (Morus alba L.) leaves, common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) shells and blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) sprouts.
Research Methods. The research was conducted on Wistar male rats, which received intragastrically phyto remedies preventively during 7 days in different doses. An infusion of “Arphazetin”, a suspension of tablets “Metformin” were used as reference substances. The determination of glucose concentration in the blood of animals was initiated (before and after usage of the appropriate extracts), as well as during the condition of the oral glucose tolerance test.
Results and Discussion. There was a decrease of basal glycemia after seven days of prophylactic administration, as well as a decrease of glycemia in the condition of an oral glucose tolerance test, in all experimental groups that received phyto remedies. The hypoglycemic action of a phyto remedies in a dosage of 100 mg/kg of dry extract of leaves of mulberry white is comparable to the effect of the drug “Metformin” and significantly exceeds the effect of infusion from the medicinal collection of "Arphasitin".
Conclusions. The obtained results of the study indicate the expressed hypoglycemic effect of phyto remedies, containing dry extracts of leaves of mulberry, leaflets of common bean and sprouts of blackberry common. Further study of the hypoglycemic effect of the investigated phyto remedies will be carried out in the chosen dosage at the rate of 100 mg/kg of dry extract leaves of mulberry white.
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