Comparative effect of pharmaceuticals on the basis of galega officinalis on the biochemical indicators in the blood of animals with type 2 experimental diabetes mellitus


  • Kh. I. Kurylo Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil
  • I. M. Klishch Ternopil State Medical University, Ternopil



diabetes mellitus type 2, medicinal herb Galega officinalis L., Galevit.


Introduction. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most widespread and topical health issues that has become epidemic and recognized by WHO experts in the 21st century. Today, the ability to treat diabetes has increased significantly, but phytotherapy remains an integral part of the prevention and treatment of diabetes. A promising plant material that can be used for the development of antidiabetic herbal remedies is Galega officinalis L. (Medicinal Gout, Medicinal Galega).

The aim of the study– to investigate the effects of a pharmaceutical product containing a combination of the Galega officinalis L., common bilberries and taurine, as well as its liposomal form under the conventional name “Galevit” in animals with experimental DM type 2.

Research methods. The object of the research was the choice of medicinal herb Galega officinalis. The studies were conducted on 40 white non-linear male rats weighing 260–280 g. Streptosotocin (STZ, “Sigma”,USA) is used for modeling DM type 2. STZ was dissolved ex tempore and injected on citrate buffer (pH 4.5).DM type 2 was modeled according to S. Islam, H. Choi (2007) by means of a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin solution in rats at a dose of 65 mg/kg of body weight of the animal.In 15 min before administration of STZ, intraperitoneally administered nicotinamide (N) at a dose of 230 mg/kg. Rats were on a high-calorie diet for 12 weeks before the introduction of STZ. The investigated products were injected intragastrically once a day for 21 days. The first injection of drugs began 24 hours after the induction of diabetes.A group of animals of control pathology received a solvent – distilled water according to a similar scheme. The blind animal is randomly assigned to 4 groups. In serum, glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), TC, TG, LDL, LDL, HDL contents were determined.

Results and Discussion. The obtained results suggest that with the help of streptozotocin with the previous administration of nicotinamide, a model of DM 2 type was reproduced. Intestinal administration of Galevita during 21 days contributed to lowering the level of glycemia, and also played an important role in the metabolism, transport and regulation of cholesterol and triglycerols, and reduced the increase in the level of activity of cytolytic enzymes.

Conclusions.Taking into account the effective hypoglycemic effect of the medicine, medicinal herb Galega officinalis a promising raw material for the prevention and treatment of the development of type 2 diabetes.


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How to Cite

Kurylo, K. I., & Klishch, I. M. (2017). Comparative effect of pharmaceuticals on the basis of galega officinalis on the biochemical indicators in the blood of animals with type 2 experimental diabetes mellitus. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (3), 35–41.

