Antioxidant profile for rats with the closed cranial cerebral trauma in the treatment of cerebrogermum


  • V. D. Lukianchuk
  • M. V. Ohloblina
  • O. V. Koveshnikov



the closed cranial cerebral trauma, coordinating connection of germanium, Сerebrogermum, superoxiddismutasa, catalasa, the factor of antioxidant activity.


The work is devoted to the research of the condition of the main components of the antioxidant system at the terms of the closed cranial cerebral trauma and at its pharmaceutical correction of Cerebrogermum.  It is determined that in case of using of Cerebrogermum the activity of superoxiddismutasa is rised in the blood serum in average on 35 % concerning the significations of the control group (the closed cranial cerebral trauma without treatment), on 72 hour of experiment the activity of this are fixed in the groups of both intact and reviewer rats. It does not also yield to reviewer preparation the ability of Cerebrogermum to resist to oxidizing stress because of the activity of catalasa. In relation to the estimation of antioxidant activity it considerably outweighs sizes for rats under influence of Cerebrogermum ( in average on 65 %) which are registered in the control group. The received in the experiment data give the basis to assert that the potential cerebral protector owns the exactly ability to resist to oxidative stress that is formed on a background of the mechanical damage of cerebrum.


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How to Cite

Lukianchuk, V. D., Ohloblina, M. V., & Koveshnikov, O. V. (2016). Antioxidant profile for rats with the closed cranial cerebral trauma in the treatment of cerebrogermum. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (3), 81–85.

