Redox balance in white rats’ spleen under induced carcinogenesis


  • I. Ya. Demkiv
  • N. Ye. Lisnychuk
  • Yu. V. Soroka
  • O. V. Chykhyra



induced carcinogenesis, cytostatics, spleen, redox balance.


Features of lipid peroxidation processes and antioxidant system in spleen tissue of white rats in experimental carcinogenesis and application of cytostatics were studied in experimental research. In DMH-induced cancerogenesis it was found a significant increase concentration of TBA-reactive substances and lipid hydroperoxides, decrease of antioxidant enzyme activity and reduced glutathione concentration in the examined organ tissue. The combined use of chemotherapeutic drugs increased imbalance of redox processes in spleen.


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How to Cite

Demkiv, I. Y., Lisnychuk, N. Y., Soroka, Y. V., & Chykhyra, O. V. (2016). Redox balance in white rats’ spleen under induced carcinogenesis. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (3), 38–42.

