Some biological characteristics and features of the mitotic regime of basal-like breast cancer living in the south-east of Ukrainе


  • T. Yu. Pogorеlaya
  • N. F. Shchurov



basal-like breast cancer (BLBC), mitotic activity, mitotic regime, biological markers.


Current treatment regimens for patients with breast cancer should consider molecular genetic type of tumor. To identify aggressive tumors in medical practice assess the proliferation marker Ki-67 and apoptosis marker p53, but there are no data about its prognostic value in patients BLBC living in the south-east ofUkraine. For low-grade tumors, which include BLBC, characterized by a high degree of mitotic activity. In patients with BLBC in more than 50 % cases there was detected infiltrating ductal carcinoma. The high degree of aggression BLBC in the south-east ofUkraineputs its study on a par with the major problems in oncoecology.


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How to Cite

Pogorеlaya T. Y., & Shchurov, N. F. (2016). Some biological characteristics and features of the mitotic regime of basal-like breast cancer living in the south-east of Ukrainе. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (3), 17–21.

