The investigation of compounds of phenol origin in perennial garden chrisantemum (Chrysanthemum × Hortorum Bailey)
perennial garden chrysanthemum of variant Belgo, compounds of phenol origin, spec¬trophotometry, high performance liquid chromatography.Abstract
Compounds of phenol origin have been spectrophotometricaly quantified in perennial garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × hortorum Bailey) of variant Belgo raw material, they are hydroxycinnamic acids 9.08 % in leaves and 7.61 % flower heads, flavonoids – 3.30 % and 4.29 %, oxidized phenols– 5.82 % and 4.42 % respectively. Flavonoid groups (rutin, apigenine, luteolin, quercitrin-3-D- glycoside kaempferol), coumarines (scopoletin, coumarine) hydroxycinnamic acids (rosemary, chlorogenic, caffeic, ferulic) have been identified by the method of HPLC and their content has been determined.
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