Histological study of thyroid state in administration of aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond in experimental hypothyroidism


  • A. H. H. Kononenko
  • V. M. Kravchenko




aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond, experimental hypothyroidism, merkazolilum, morphology, morphometry.


The influence of aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond on morphological status of the thyroid gland in the experimental conditions of hypothyroidism in rats induced by administration of merkazolilum solution instead of drinking water for 30 days was studied. Thyreostatic merkazolilum resulted in changes of morphological structure of the thyroid gland, accompanied by manifestations of hyperplastic tissue proliferation and corresponds with hypofunctional state.

The introduction of aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond resulted in positive influence on the restructuring of the thyroid gland in rats with hypothyroidism, increasing its functional activity. There was a decrease of proliferative processes of the epithelium and ekstrafollicular thyrocytes in follicles. The outer diameter of the follicles are not different from intact control, height follicular thyrocytes decreased compared with pathology by 41.08%. Iodomarin and L-thyroxine increased functional activity of the thyroid gland, but to a lesser degree than the aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond. L-thyroxine is not increased pharmacological effect of the studied extract. The results have practical significance for drugs development with thyroid-stimulating action.


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How to Cite

Kononenko, A. H. H., & Kravchenko, V. M. (2016). Histological study of thyroid state in administration of aqueous extract from Lemna minor frond in experimental hypothyroidism. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (2), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.11603/mcch.2410-681X.2016.v0.i2.6664

