The treatment of the lysozyme-containing drugs of patients with oral lichen planus together with dental pathology


  • O. V. Yeliseyeva



Prevalence and severity of generalized parodontitis depend especially on the course of diseases affecting theoral mucosa and those ones which are characterized by involvement of the oral mucosa. These diseases include mainly lichen planus. The common pathogenic agent of generalized parodontitis and lichen planus as well as of combination of them is inflammation, as generalized parodontitis is inflammation of parardontium tissue characterized by destruction of periodontium and dental ligamentous apparatus of the alveolar bone and lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease of skin and oral mucosa. The purpose is to study processes of lipid peroxidation in the saliva of patients with lichen planus of the skin along with chronic generalized parodontitis.


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How to Cite

Yeliseyeva, O. V. (2016). The treatment of the lysozyme-containing drugs of patients with oral lichen planus together with dental pathology. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 104–107.

