Morphofunctional reorg anisation of intraorg an vessels of rat’s large salivary glands in the experimental diabetes mellitus


  • I. M. Yavorska-Skrabut



There was studied the morphofunctional reorganization of the intraorgan vessels of parotid and submandibular glands of white rats with experimental hyperglycemia duration of 1, 2 and 3 months. There was established the development of hyperglycemia and presence of adaptive changes in early terms of observation that appears with constriction of small arteries while expanding of the larger caliber vascular lumen. With increasing duration of hyperglycemia, progressing of vasoconstriction and further development and deepening of destructive and sclerotic  changes in vessels of parotid and submandibular glands were established.


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How to Cite

Yavorska-Skrabut, I. M. (2016). Morphofunctional reorg anisation of intraorg an vessels of rat’s large salivary glands in the experimental diabetes mellitus. Medical and Clinical Chemistry, (1), 99–103.

