Hepatoprotective effect of metadoxine on experimentally induced alcoholic hepatic injury in rats
metadoxine, alcoholic hepatitis, hepatic protector.Abstract
It was developed the model of alcoholic hepatitis by intragastric administration of 40 % ethanol at a dose of 7 ml/kg body weight in Wistar rats for 7 days. As blood biochemical markers of animals were used values of total protein, total bilirubin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, creatinine, urea and ceruloplasmin. It was shown that metadoxine (ionic salt of pyridoxine and pyroglutamic acid) in a dose of 90 mg/kg stabilized only rates of total protein, total bilirubin, triglycerides, creatinine, urea and ceruloplasmin. It was indicated that mechanisms for alcoholic hepatitis and its flow are different. It was assumed that the hepatoprotective effect of the drug is realized through antioxidant and anti-steatoticmechanisms.
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